We help home sellers in choosing a broker completely for free.

How it works

This is a demo page for agents to demonstrate
Fill in the form
Start by filling out the form - it only takes 2 minutes!
We match you
We match you with the top three brokers based on recommendations and past sales.
You compare agents
You choose which broker, if any, you want to proceed with.

Discover Your Perfect Broker

Tailored Matches for Your Property Sale
The right broker for your home
Brokers are good at different things and we can find them with the right characteristics for your particular sale.
Look at statistics
It can be profitable to compare and costly not to. We collect the statistics that make it easier for you.
Find sellers' favorites
We keep track of which brokers are often recommended by other home sellers.
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Adam Bay
35 units
2 234 000$
The best 16 passenger small group, intimate and unique, Milford Sound...
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Member since Mar 15, 2021


Here is a list of frequently asked questions
Does the service cost anything or do I commit to something?
Do I have to choose my broker through you?
No, our help is voluntary and registering with us entails no obligations. We want you to be satisfied with the selection you receive, but you decide for yourself whether you want to hire one of the brokers.
Will you resell my contact details?
Your data is treated confidentially and can only be retrieved by up to three brokers. Your information is never disclosed publicly or to another party.
Do I have to be contacted by phone?
The brokers will contact you personally by phone, so that you get as complete a first impression as possible. Gut feeling is important and the image you get of the broker is probably the same as potential buyers will get. Price proposals and reliable reasoning regarding valuation and the sales process usually require the broker to see your home. We therefore recommend that you book personal meetings with the brokers you find interesting, so that your comparison is as good as possible.
Which brokers use Find-A-Broker?
All brokers who are registered with the Real Estate Agency have the opportunity to use our service.
Do you guarantee that your selection of brokers is the best?
What distinguishes the "best" broker is individual, so we cannot guarantee that our selection is the best for you. Our selections are based on actual sales statistics, we look at, among other things, the broker's activity in the local area, similar homes and recommendations from previous sellers. You are therefore matched with brokers that we believe are relevant to you and your sales.
How many brokers will contact me?
Up to three brokers will contact you. If you wish to have fewer broker contacts, you can indicate this in your registration.
Do you guarantee that three brokers will contact me?
We are keen for you to get in touch with brokers who are relevant to you and your sales. Our ambition is of course for you to come into contact with three brokers. We guarantee that we will do our best to match you with relevant brokers, but we cannot make any guarantees that these brokers will be available for your particular sale.
Is the service associated with any costs?
No. It is free of charge to use our matching service.
I am a broker. How do I join your service?
All brokers who are registered with the Real Estate Agency have the opportunity to use our service. Contact us at and we will help you!